
Annotated Bibliography

Ginsburg, Kenneth, Christine Forke, Sara Kinsman, Eric Fleegler, and Eric Grimes. "RETENTION IN THE UNITED STATES JOB CORPS ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS." Thesis. Prepared by The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Craig-Dalsimer Division of Adolescent Medicine. Web.

Source: peer reviewed article

The article was put together by the children’s hospital and the division of biostatics and epidemiology. It’s a lengthy article that is made up of several authors, it includes about 200 pages. The research done in the paper is that supporting Job Corps and more over how to specifically improve the retention of the program. There was a lot of statistics find in the article which I found useful for including in my essay. Although I didn’t want to use too much logos, I didn’t want my essay to only appeal to emotion. By including some sound facts I thought added to the overall balance of what I was trying to convey. The article contained a lot of really good information; it was diverse and very large. I only used a small fraction of the article’s overall material, which was about the percent of students who leave Job Corps. The claim I was making is that Job Corps has a high dropout rate which contributed to the exigence being made in my essay. I needed to back up this statistic though and that’s where the article came in use.  There was even a table of contents that specifically told me where to go to see drop out percent at Job Corps. Although I only read a partial amount of the article the overall appeal it seemed to be making was towards logos. This logos in the article helped add to my credibility in my own essay when citing it. The article’s audience seemed to be the government so it makes sense why there is such a strong presence of statistics.

Hartman, Anne. "Reworking Cleveland's Job Corps | Articles | Archive | Inside Business Magazine." Northeast Ohio's Business Enthusiast | Inside Business Magazine. Web. 30 May 2011. <>.

Source: magazine

In this article from a magazine a Job Corps center is in desperate need of a remodel. Why I found the article useful though is it went into some reasons why Job Corps is such a program worth saving for the general public of Cleveland. This same audience I thought had a lot in common with my own since they were just ordinary people and not anyone high up on the business chain. This meant that probably the same tactics used in this magazine article would also appeal to my audience, the students of Job Corps. The appeals made in the article is Job Corps looks beyond a student’s performance saying that even D and F students are valuable, since they are usually the best entrepreneurs.  The program responds to all learning styles so I thought a student who would be hesitant to join Job Corps because of past struggles would respond well to hearing this. I also thought it added to Job Corps’s overall ethos, it makes the program more trust worthy. The audience aimed is probably not at the students already attending the program but those who should consider becoming a part of it.

Hunt, Barbara. "Local News : Service Dog Helps Job Corps Student Excel - Frontiersman." Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman. Web. 30 May 2011.

Source: newspaper

This article much like the one mentioned before adds credit to Job Corps. It adds to the program’s integrity by talking about a girl in the Alaska Job Corps who despite disabilities is excelling in the program. It gives hope to students that if they join Job Corps they can have the same type of success. The articles main appeal is pathos and is a story of encouragement. The message I try to make by citing this article is that Job Corps has the resources to help any students, so there’s no need to be scared that they don’t have what it takes to make it through the program. The audience aimed with this article is at those students who are not already attending the program but need the training and education that Job Corps offers. Hopefully the story pulls at the readers heart strings and makes an impact on their thinking. The articles main sources come from both the girl with an amazing triumphant story and the main administrator at Job Corps as well. She states that in all her 25 years of working with Job Corps she never met a more motivated student than her.

"Letters to the Editor | Letters to the Editor | Idaho Statesman." Boise, Idaho News, Weather, Traffic, Jobs, Classifieds | Idaho Statesman. Web. 30 May 2011.

Source: newspaper

In this next article it’s a segment taken out of a newspaper from letters to the editor.  I thought it would be an interesting perspective to use the viewpoint of just an ordinary person writing in to a newspaper. Obviously the person cares about the community since she took the time to write into her local newspaper. Specifically in the letter she puts high emphasis to help Job Corps founding issues. She feels strongly that the program has many advantages that can help struggling youth with their education. I thought this was helpful information it shows the general public’s view of Job Corps which in this instance is supportive and positive. For a student going through Job Corps to see this they may feel that since the public is on the side that they will be able to finish strong without any doubts. She brings up some really good points about unemployment as well that I elaborated on in my essay. Now of days without some kind of high school education it’s near impossible to get a decent job. As the writer puts it “For young people can’t get entry-level jobs without some experience, so let’s help them, while boosting their self-esteem at the same time.” I thought this was a really good point and I think for a student to read that they just might realize how valuable the program really is toward their future. Of course this statement would also apply for students not yet attended at Job Core as well.

"Northlands Job Corps Chosen as Business of the Month." Vermont Business Magazine. Web. 30 May 2011. <>.

Source: magazine

This article was really helpful in the easy because it publicly noticing Job Corps as a top program along many other leading contenders. The Chamber of Commerce awarded Job Corps the Northlands Job Corps the business of the month. This shows students that Job Corps stands out in the community as something that can really help them. The appeal here to logos that a high up committee with lots of credibility has acknowledged the work Job Corps has done and any student apart of it should feel lucky. The article also talks about how Northlands Job Corps is competing against other bidders for the property but feel confident that they will have no problems keeping it. Students should feel secure with Job Corps since the community backs it up and should also feel proud with the decision of being a part of it. In the article it also explains that Job Corps is really dedicated to helping the community saying that students work on community projects. By including this segment in my essay I think it just shows that Job Corps is not only effective by also recognized for its great work. The appeal I’m mostly try to make here is to ethos that students should trust Job Corps with their time and in return they will get a lot out of it. This appeals to both students within Job Corps and those not yet in the program. The main concern I’m trying to make here is that Job Corps will never fall through and just leave a student hanging with nothing in return.

Schochet, Peter, John Burghardt, and Sheena McConnell. "Does Job Corps Work? Impact Findings from the National Job Corps Study." Thesis. Http:// Web.

This was another one of those sources that really helped give a lot of information on my topic. I feel the points made in this paper really lead to the main reason why students should appreciate Job Corps. In the article it talks about how Job Corps is only kind of its program to really cater to the students. It explains that the service has counselors and even recreational facilities. That many programs do this along with being able to teach a student’s practical job training in a variety of vocational jobs. The paper also says that Job Corps is one of the most uniform programs in the country so no matter where a student attends they will also have these great resources. Really what I want to show to the students is even though the program can be quite rigorous with all its rules and curfews they also get a lot of benefits. The main appeal being made I would say is to logos since the claims being made in the article are the US department of Labor. It also adds to Job Corps ethos saying that it’s a program that may be stern with the students but it also cares about their health and happiness. Showing that Job Corps takes the time to have counselors and recreational activities means they want their students to have a positive experience while attending their program. This is something I really want to point at to students and take notice of before making any decisions to quit the program.

Source: web site

"Top Chefs | "In Culinary, This Is the Best Job in the Valley." | News." Boise Weekly. Web. 30 May 2011. <>.

Source: website
I thought the fact, brought up in this website, that Job Corps actually has one of the best chiefs in Boise very surprising. For this reason I decided to show case it in my article of reason why students should stick with or join Job Corps. Not only is the food so good that it appeared in this article from Boise weekly but it’s also completely free for the students. I thought the food being on such a high level is a very good reason for students to stay supportive with Job Corps. Once again I would say this is an appeal to Job Corps character. By pulling out all the stops with their food it once again shows that Job Corps really cares about its students and wants them to be happy. This article should be especially appealing for students looking to go into culinary at Job Corps since that way they can be learning from the best. The article also gives some background on the two main chefs who are actually brothers. It said that both chiefs are very nice and easy to work with and instead of requiring students to call them by chef they let students just use their first names. Showing that the facility is easy to work with is also another large positive factor for Job Corps that the article show cases nicely.  Since the food is both very deluxe and free students should definitely see is as one of Job Corps most valuable resources and as a true statement that Job Corps wants the best for its students.