Service Learning Research

(final question) How to positively address the students in order to  help retention in Job Corps.

(draft question)Research proposal question, why are programs like Job Corps so under founded by the government.

5-26 This was my second day at Job Corps and this time I got to see a full tour of the complex. The campus is really nice and the food they were serving looked delicious. We got a video from the interview with Deedee and posted it on our blogs. I helped someone with a math packet that they needed to fill out, it made me feel good that I was able to help him.

5-24 I now have an exact audience in mind for my essay, the students of Job Corps. I want to persuade students not to drop the program to help alleviate the high drop out rate.

 5-19 Went to Jorb Corps today. Learned how Deedee got started working at the company. She use to drive equipment for a logging comapany until the economy became really bad they started laying people off. Her friend told her about Jorb Corp and although started as a temp she really enjoyed it and got signed on full time.

Job Corps has 320 students but enough room to really only support 300. Students are given 60 days before they are fully taken in to weed out the ones who really don't want to be there. Main statement is if a kid is hungry and doesn't have a place to sleep then hes not learning. The program has a Stars room for those students that are very bright but have financial issues.

Worked with two kids helping them with math. Did geometry with one student and conversions with another.

Some sources for my project

first Authoritative web site
second Authoritative web site

first Low credibility web site
second Low credibility web site

first Newspaper site
second Newspaper site

first Magazine site
second Magazine site